Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Debt Solutions offered by Ashley Park

Discover the different debt solutions offered by Ashley Park

Ashley Park Debt Solutions offer a range of financial services to help you with your finances, below we explain a little more about these services..
1. Debt Management Plans
Debt management plans, or DMPs as they can be referred to, are informal arrangements between you and your creditors. If you enter into a DMP with Ashley Park we will aim to freeze interest rates and charges, and lower your monthly repayments to level that you're more comfortable with, we do all this without the need for further credit. Find out more >>

2. IVA
Individual Voluntary Arrangements, or IVAs as they are more often known as, are formal alternatives to debt management plans. Once you've signed up to an IVA interest and charges that you are incurring should stop and the plan will last for around 5 years. When the IVA comes to an end any money that you still owe is wiped clear and you are deemed debt free. Find out more >>
3. Consolidation Loan
A debt consolidation loan is a form of borrowing that is used to repay all of your existing debts. This means that you will only have one repayment to make, making it much easier to manage your finances. By taking out a consolidation loan you will also stop those annoying calls from existing creditors, all you will need to focus on is making a single payment each month. Find out more >>
4. Trust Deed
Trust Deeds are only available to people living in Scotland and they are a viable alternative to Bankruptcy or Sequestration. The Trust Deed is a legally binding agreement which allows you to reduce your debts and existing payments with creditors through the use of a third party, known as a trustee. Find out more >>
Are you struggling with your finances and considering other alternatives such as bankruptcy and Debt Relief Orders? We can still help and offer you advice.
For help with any debt, no matter how large or small contact Ashley Park Debt Solutions today on 0800 043 3535 or apply online now.

About Ashley Park Debt Solutions

Ashley Park Debt Solutions…

Ashley Park Debt Solutions
Ashley Park Debt Solutions
…is based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, we specialise in helping clients recover from debt problems with the help of various solutions including Debt Management Plans, IVAs and consolidation loans.
Ashley Park Debt Solutions was created with the aim of helping people in financial difficulty. We work with individuals and commercial organisation and feel that no debt problem is too big or small for us to help with.

If you have financial difficulties and are struggling to repay the debts you owe you should speak to us today to see how we can help.
At Ashley Park Debt Solutions we are proud to offer a best advice policy. This means that we will only ever recommend a financial solution that’s right for you and your personal circumstances. To find out more about how we can help you and the services that we offer visit Ashley Park Debt Solutions now.
As well as our main website we also contribute to various blog sites including this – our very own Ashley Park Debt Solutions blogger page.
Our blog has been created to offer financial advice and money tips to everyone, whether you are in debt or not.

The award winning Ashley Park Debt Solutions

Over the course of the past six months Ashley Park Debt Solutions have won two different awards!

At the end of 2012 Rita Dagless from Ashley Park was awarded the title of Debt Advisor of the Year from the Debt Resolution Forum.

And in 2013 we were awarded the 'Best Debt Solution' provider from the Financial Reporter.

Ashley Park Debt Solutions’ Favourite Sites…

The internet is a big place and is filled with many great websites all offering great advice on money management and financial tips. Below are a few of our favourite sites and blogs:
Norton Finance – Ashley Park, along with Price Sterling and Express Debt Solutions are part of the larger Norton Finance Group and offer a range of secured and unsecured lending.
The Money Principle - This brilliant blog is written by Maria and John who tell the story of how they paid off £100,000 of consumer debt in three years.
Modest Money - Another insightful finance blog that covers everything from how to save money, tips on investing and how to grow your wealth.
Reach Financial Independence - This is another great blog about finance and money management. The writer, Pauline, also shares the fantastic story of the renovation of her home in Guatemala.
Money Saving Expert - Martin Lewis is becoming something of a British institution with his great money saving tips and informative emails. The site is filled with great advice and the forums offer a great place to ask any questions that you may have.
Hot UK Deals – The bargain hunters best friend! Hot UK Deals is filled with fantastic deals and offers and you can often find yourself spending hours browsing through the forums hunting for a deal.
Ashley Park Blog - This is our most commonly used blog page and offers money saving tips and advice and also offers information as to how you can grow your income.

Want to know more about Ashley Park Debt Solutions?

If you would like to know more about the company or have a question about our services or something ont he blog you can reach us on Twitter and Facebook or email us at